TJ Coutts

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TJ Coutts Pty Ltd Electrical Contractors has been successfully completing projects since 1954. For years we’ve used a simple approach to serve our clients: we put the best tools in the hands of the best craftsmen.

TJ Coutts is one of the largest and most respected Electrical Contracting Companies in Ballarat and District having been founded in 1954 in Ballarat by Theodore (Lee) Coutts. From its humble beginnings TJ Coutts has continued to grow into a multi million dollar company with over 35 staff members. With its impressive growth we have attracted much media attention and prestigious small business award accomplishments. As a testimonial to the quality, integrity and level of service provided by TJ Coutts, many accounts which Lee began working with when he formed the business are still with TJ Coutts today.

TJ Coutts

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