Can your website be viewed on mobile devices?
If your website don’t look too good on a mobile device, it may need a bit of refresh.
Design standards, technology and user expectations have all changed. And if your website hasn’t, then it hasn’t kept up.
At the very least, websites today must be able to be viewed well on mobile devices. A significant portion of your visitors are using mobile phones and tablets to search the internet, and if your website isn’t configured for these devices, the results may be that:
- Google will exclude your website in its search listings. It is focused on creating a list a websites that will provide a good user experience.
- Visitors just won’t stay on your website long enough to read the information you are trying to convey
For a website to be considered responsive, it isn’t a matter of making everything smaller to fit the screen. The components themselves need to resize and reposition to match the viewing area.
All websites designed today are designed to take into account multiple device sizes.
It is time to look at giving your website a refresh?

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